Here is some tools that may help you out.
These tools will help anyone with College and school.
If you have a learning disability these tools are very helpful.
( If you have a disability, see if your school has disability services.
Some school can help provide
you with some of these tools and it also can depends on your disability.)
Smart For SchoolFocus on learning in class rather than just taking notes. With an Echo smartpen, you can write less and listen more – knowing your smartpen will capture everything.
Echo smartpens let you record words, diagrams, scribbles, symbols and audio - syncing everything you hear to what you wrote. Just tap on your notes and your smartpen will play back your professor's explanation - word for word. Transfer your notes to your computer so you can search, organize and share.
With the Echo smartpen, you’ll never miss a word again.
Dragon® Naturally Speaking
Speed through your to-do list today—simply by speaking. Create documents 3x faster than you can type, send email, or search and surf the web. Even capture notes on-the-go for later transcription.
Dragon Email friends, search the web, dictate homework assignments and more. From everyday tasks to personal projects, Dragon helps you get things done in a fun, easier way using just your voice. Get the world’s best-selling and most accurate speech recognition software for the PC, used by millions of people.
Where Learning Becomes Personal — and Meaningful Progress PossibleBring all pieces of the literacy process together with easy, proven educational technology that allows each individual to engage in learning in the ways that work best for them.
Every learner deserves the opportunity to unlock their potential. Discover how k1000 and k3000 help.